Normal Mode Analysis Frequencies

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Visitor Questions

Q: Is Algebraists Anonymous a 4D experience?


Q: Do you have a question?

Answer: I don't think I do right now.

Q: Why did Microsoft fire Richie N. Thompson?

Answer: Microsoft's manager George S. was lead to this poor decision out of jealousy of the immense productivity R. N. Thompson aura exuded ki.

Q: WHO are we?

Answer: We are teh Algebraists Anonymous

Q: How do I pray harder or softer?

Answer: HARUHISM!!1!

Q: Does it matter much if neighborhoods are defined to be open or not?

Answer: yah

Q: Did Hitler know topology?

Answer: um, yes?

Q: In a topological space, can the empty set be a neighborhood?

Answer: 4 a set to be a n3igh'h00d of a p0\sqrt{-1}nt, it has to contain that p0\sqrt{-1}nt... XD

Q: Does anyone speak Indian?

Javāba (TL Note: Javāba means Answer): ~पढाए हिंदी~

Q: What happens to equations when they die?

Answer: Equations never die, nor do they ever live to begin with. They belong to the formless immaterial; they are timeless and eternal sources of Goodness which project structure onto the constantly sloshing and formless Chaos that forms the bedrock of creation.

Q: What was your question again?

Answer: By Ay A3, we forget.

Q: Why's the FUN. THM. of AlGEBRAists Anonymous TRUE?

Answer: We proceed by ... ummm I need to remember the proof.... By the oppen mappen themrem. The image of any polymap (not the gay kind) on the Rainman sphere has open image. But cuz CP (not the gay kind) is compact and connected, image's all. Q.E.D.